Friday, October 1, 2010

The Adventures of D, the Accidental Super Girl Wannabe

Amazing how funny things can become for some people when they’re perfectly normal for some. Take D, my colleague for example. The things she says just leave you thinking if they’re jokes or part of who she is. It makes her frustratingly adorable at times though.

I will not talk to him.

Sup: “D, call G and tell him we are sending the papers by courier”

D: “No”

Sup: “What?”

D: “No”

Sup (disbelieving): “Why wouldn’t you call him?”  (The guy at one time raised his voice while speaking to D)

D: “I don’t like to speak to him”

Sup: “Rox, please tell her she has to call and deal with him, she cannot avoid him forever”

Me: “Yes D, you cannot avoid him forever, you are bound to speak to him somehow”

D: “Still no”


Seriously, you need to look for me.

Last week she told me, that she’ll be going to the washroom and if someone is looking for her, just inform them she’ll be back in a few.

So, I continue working oblivious to the fact that she was gone for almost 30 minutes. I thought she got held somewhere and since I was busy, I was not really paying attention to her not being there in the room.
After a while, she came barging in saying, “What is wrong with you!”

Me: “Huh?”

D: “I said what is wrong with you”

Me (confused): “What is wrong with me, what?” “What did I do?”

D: “You did not look for me”

Me (in daze, thinking, is she kidding?): “Why would I look for you, you said you’re in the washroom”

D: “Yes, but I was gone a long time, what if something happened to me in there?”

Me (incredulous): “Now what would happen to you in an office washroom?” “Drown?” (couldn’t help myself)

D: “No…but still, you have to look for me if I am gone longer than expected (matter-of-factly)”

Me (still not believing if she’s serious or not): “So, how many minutes after should I start looking for you? (I was really, really holding myself from laughing  so hard), uhm, 10 minutes?”

D: “Maybe 15?”


You’ve got mail

Staff (on the phone, at least from what I can overhear): “Did you send the file to my gmail account?”

D: “Yes I did, didn’t you get it?”

Staff: “No”

D: “Wait for a little bit, then have a check”

After 3 minutes the D’s phone rang again

Staff: “I still didn’t get it”

D (frustrated): “But I sent it to you , please check it again (while opening her sent items). This is your email right? (As she proceeded to spell the email address) _ _ _ _ _ _”

D: “Ah g? not j? Ah ok I’ll send it again. Sorry”.


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